Tofutti Brands, Inc. only supports events hosted by nonprofit organizations and community groups that promote the following principles:
Health & Wellness
Animal & Environmental Causes
Childhood & Adult Education
Please submit the application at least 4 weeks in advance. Submissions less than 4 weeks prior to the date of event will not be considered.
By submitting this application, the Contact Persons ("you") assert the truthfulness of the information provided and that you are authorized to submit this application. You acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older and have read, understood, and agree to honor these Sponsorships: Terms & Conditions herein. Tofutti makes no warranties with respect to this application. Tofutti Brands, Inc. in our sole discretion shall determine the response if any to this application.
Tofutti Brands, Inc. does not provide monetary support whatsoever; we will provide discount vouchers (coupons) and branded promotional materials. Said materials are your responsibility and may not to be used for purposes outside the event, including but not limited to sale of supplied coupons and promotional materials and improper use of Tofutti intellectual property, such as logos, packaging, clothing, etc. Tofutti Brands, Inc. does not provide live product, as we cannot guarantee it’s safe and proper handling during transport or during the event. Tofutti Brands, Inc. does not provide sponsorship for events that promote political or religious agendas.
If you violate any terms of this agreement, make any material misstatements within this application or in relationship to any information you provide in this application, you agree to indemnify and hold Tofutti Brands, Inc. and its entities harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, or demands including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees.
This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey applicable to contracts executed and performed entirely within that state, except conflict of law's provisions. This agreement was entered into in Edison, New Jersey and any necessary arbitration or litigation will take place in Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Thank you.
-Tofutti Brands, Inc.
Please fill out the form below.